Commission Warning


I work very hard on my commissions. I strive to deliver to you the best of what I can do with what i’ve gotten. I try to give you my highest of quality work. I spend a lot of time on these illustrations in order to do that. For instance:


The above Illustration may, to some seem very simplistic as it’s just half of a body (not even). But in truth it took a little over 6 hours to complete. Illustrations that are a little more complex take much longer. When looking at my prices and dealing with commissioning me, please keep in mind that what you’re paying for is my time and my talent. Right now my highest price is $60. This means if i go over 6 hours, the price you pay for my illustrations is under minimum wage. My prices are quite modest for the time, effort and energy I put into what I do, so please keep that in mind when commissioning me.

This is very important. Please take some time to look at my body of work before commissioning me. I draw a lot of different styles and i tend to translate likenesses a certain way. I have, to this date only dealt with 2 dissatisfied customers and in both situations, they weren’t quite familiar with what I did as an artist. I really do not like working with a customer who cannot be pleased. If you like what I do you’ll like the commission i do for you. So please take some time to examine my work if you are not already familiar with it.

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